Saturday 8 August 2015

Saturday Six

Let's go for a walk she says.  It's 7:30 on a Saturday morning, and this is most unusual behaviour, but fair enough, I was up for a walk.  It was a lovely sunny morning, so it could be fun.  The only thing I don't like about walks is having my harness put on.  Every time I see it, I run and hide. It's just one of those things, I can't explain it, it just makes me feel funny in my tummy.  Once it's on I'm fine and raring to go.

The little one and his parents came with us this morning.  We set off on the usual route up to the field where I like to run and often meet my friends.  I like this field, it smells good and there's usually things to roll in, which for some reason I get told off for. Personally I find bird poo irresistible, but mum doesn't share this opinion.

After the field we headed to the canal.  We don't often go on this route, but it was such a sunny morning that I think mum just wanted to take full advantage of the good weather.

Mum keeps me on the lead when we're by the canal, despite the fact that I have never jumped into deep water, she thinks that one day I'm just going to throw caution to the wind and take a leap.  Don't get me wrong, I like water, I'm just not a big fan of it when my little short legs can't touch the bottom.

We walked past where all the canal boats were moored.  There were quite a lot but mum couldn't get them all in the photo.

Further along we saw a family of swans.  Mum stopped to look and they swam towards us.  I hadn't been that close to swans before and they seemed to be coming to say hello.  Turns out they were coming to say "back off".  Oh well, you can't be friends with everyone.

Mum and dad and four big babies
  We had gone three miles before mum said it was time to turn round and go back.  Now I'm a dog and not known for my mathematical abilities, but even I know that that means the whole walk was going to be six miles in total.  I've only got little legs so this is not a walk, it's a trek.  Next time I think I need more information before agreeing to such a thing so early in the morning.  

I was pretty thirsty by this time, and figured I was right next to a lot of water that looked good to drink, so I did.  One second I was lapping up nice cold thirst quenching refreshment, and the next second I was swimming in it.  You should have seen the look on my face as I figured out what had happened and where the bank was.  Maybe it was a good job mum kept me on the lead after all.  Mums know best.

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