Saturday 25 July 2015

Clifton Country Park

I've never been to Clifton Country Park before, so this was exciting.

 I like going to new places and smelling new smells.  There were lots of things for me to explore and some different friends to meet.  One of the new friends I wanted to say hello to was took quick for me.  It ran across the path and into the bushes very fast.  I've never seen one before.  Mum said it was a squirrel. She also told me that there have been squirrels on our walks before but I haven't been looking in the right direction, so I hadn't noticed them.  I wish it would have stopped to say hello.

I liked all the birds swimming in the lake.

I think my favourite part was when I got to swim in the lake.  I was quite brave and actually did some proper swimming. Not for long though.  There were two large logs in the water, and it turns out that if you stand with your back legs on one of them and your front legs on the other one, that they will drift apart and your front legs go away from your back legs, and you can't do anything about it, and you lose your balance and fall in the water.  Mum was a bit miffed that she missed getting it on film because she thought it was funny and muttered something about £250.

Lakes are messy places.

Dad took this picture of the trees because he thought they looked pretty.

After we'd been to the park, we had to drive into Manchester to pick Katy up from Comic con.  We got stuck in traffic, but at least that gave us a chance to play Comic Con or Graduation.  This involves spotting people walking on the street and deciding by their clothes, whether they had been at Comic Con, or their University Graduation.  These events were happening across the road from each other today.

After all that, it was home for dinner.

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