Friday 24 July 2015

This is me

I've been around for a while, but now that I'm a little older, I've been allowed on the interwebs, so I thought I'd like to share a few things with you all. I'm a fairly simple pup. I like to play and I like to sleep.  I love going in water, but not too deep.  I'm not a fan of this swimming malarky.  Give me a muddy puddle and I'm happy.

This is me when I was very little.

I live with my mum and dad and another person; not quite sure what to call her but she thinks it's weird that I call her mum and dad, my mum and dad as well.  I don't see what's weird about it at all.  They feed me, give me shelter and keep me safe.  They toilet trained me, and they teach me right from wrong.  They love me and I love them, so what else am I supposed to call them?

I like to say hello to everyone I meet when I'm out walking.  Sometimes this doesn't go down too well, and sometimes I'm told I can't say hello.  Apparently it's not okay to try and say hello to horses or sheep or birds.

Other people come and visit and I think they belong to me too. One of them is much smaller than all the rest.  He likes to play on the floor with me, but when he's had enough he pushes me away. I don't mind because I understand he's not like the rest.  They're all great and they smell so good, but I'm not supposed to bark when the little one is asleep.

This is how I look now.  As you can see, I've changed colour.  This is the Bichon Frise part of me.

I like to explore around the house.  This is not always met with the approval of my parents.  Once I found a bag of something soft and brown and sugary in their bedroom.  It tasted really good and I ate the whole lot while they weren't around.  That's when mum and dad found out that fudge makes puppies do lots and lots of pee pees.

This is my "I wasn't doing anything in your bedroom" face,
So, there you go, that's me.  See you again soon.

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